Monday, November 7, 2011


 ENEL,The God of Sky Island

Frankly speaking, i found his appearance one of the weirdest in the whole series. How can you embed that ring with four drums in his body. Still whatever, one of his other unique physical appearance is his long earlobes. For this Luffy even called him "Earlobes". He always use to carry a gold staff with him which he sometimes used in the warfare. He even knew the technique called mantra in which he can anticipate others moves beforehand.

DEVIL FRUIT: GORO GORO NO MI- LIGHTNING FRUIT (pretty dangerous right!!?)

PERSONALITY: He was shown, like most others, a very mean personality and thought himself superior from others. He forecasted there would be 5 survivors in the survival game, but instead there were 6, so he eliminated the Former God, Gan Fall, to make his prediction true

 OTHER ABILITY AND POWER: Mantra, a technique which can predict an opponent moves before
 hand, was his specialty. Thanks to his Lightning Powers, his mantra ability was enhanced.

STORY: Enel, 6 years before the current story timeline, came to skypiea and attacked its God, Gan Fall, and occupied the throne of the God of the Skypiea(Sky island). He started using Gan fall followers to design a special ship, Maxim, which can fly though with the help of Enel's power to achieve Enel's ultimate desire, To go to Fairy Vearth which was the Moon.

But the year his desire was to be fulfilled, a lot of things were happening. Shandirians, the real owners of the Vearth, who were chased out of their homeland 400 years ago were now fighting Enel in a do or die situation to acquire their homeland back. And exactly at that moment, Luffy and his crew also entered the scene. Luffy and his crew were looking for some gold and also to prove Norland's heir right, he had to find the Golden bell and ring it which was once on the old Jaya.

After Enel met Luffy, he realised he cannot beat him because he was made of rubber and lightning doesnt affect him, he tried various tricks and almost outbeat him but in the end, due to Luffy's hardwork and determination, he reached upto Enel, and did both the things together, Beat Enel and Ring the Golden Bell.

 But in the End, he still survived and was travelling towards the moon in his Ship Maxim.


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